Unknown Unknowns

I fear the day that the MBAs and people that would have become “financial analysts” in the late millennium fully take over the culture of software product management. These are fine people, but they are abstract risk managers and value optimizers. They could be structuring financial instruments, selling jars of pasta sauce, or running software systems with almost identical approaches.

That said, my favorite framework from the finance industry that serves me every day as a PM are the concepts related to risk. Debt, insurance, investment and even team management are often about the accurate evaluation and management of risk.

The future is unknowable and we’re always dealing in probabilities and manipulating the likeliness of outcomes, not guaranteeing them. How do you handle this as the person most responsible for delivering success?

For any major undertaking, it’s important to think through and spend time on likely threats to the project’s success. But that only helps with the known unknowns, what about the unknown unknowns (to quote the wisdom of war criminal Donald Rumsfeld)?

Even when you don’t know the exact cause, it is still possible to manage vague, generic risk. Unknown threats generally come from a limited set of source types. The most common disruptions, in my experience, are the hidden stakeholder and the implicit requirement, both usually discovered late in the development process.

The hidden stakeholder means just that: it becomes clear that there is a function or person who might kill, block, or otherwise limit your success. The implicit requirement, similarly, is a story, feature or capability that limits or threatens your success, which you failed to identify during research and planning.

Think about what you would do to prepare. You’re gonna get hit by something: keep your head up and at least see it coming. Should one of these manifest, triage dispassionately: is it in your control? is it really a blocker or problem? Some things, like personnel losses and context changes should be accepted and accommodated. Some, like exec meddling, team stalemates or nice-to-haves becoming blockers, can be worth fighting to overcome. Some things, like technical risk, dance in the grey area between the two.

Of course, the real solution I always recommend agile development processes, and indeed agile thinking in general. The answer to not knowing the future is just to embrace that things will change, you will learn more and change is as much about opportunity as risk.